There is no where that the words "I wonder" can't take you. It may not be fast, and it may not be immediate, but I'm convinced that with time and effort, these two words are the most powerful way for an individual to engage with the world around them. They represent the ability to look into the past or present to understand what is and what has been. More importantly, they represent the ability to look to the future and see things that do not yet exist, but which could at some point. They have sustained creativity and ingenuity against unbelievable odds through millenia in every single facet of life. Eight years ago, I wondered if I could earn a spot in a PhD program, and complete the degree. Today, I begin a new journey of wonder... I wonder how I can use that degree to accomplish something meaningful. I wonder if I can apply what I've learned to create jobs and empower people to reach their potential. I have an idea. I have a metaphorical bucket of tools I've collected to give that idea form and shape. Now, on to the plan for how to make it a reality...
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Angela Pollak
All things Libraries and Living Heritage.
Adaptive & accessible is a hill worth dying on.
Rural at Heart. Both/and; yet.

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