Angela Pollak
All things Libraries and Living Heritage.
Adaptive & accessible is a hill worth dying on.
Rural at Heart. Both/and; yet.

Writing and Editing Services
Every story deserves to be told - especially yours. If you are undertaking a writing project of
your own, I can help:
catch spelling errors and layout issues before you send your documents to print
refine and polish your message
provide advice on self-publishing a manuscript
- prepare an index for your non-fiction documents
- plan where to begin projects large and small
Put my professional experience in all facets of researching, writing and editing to work for you.
Consultations are free. I'm happy to discuss the scope of your particular project with you at no
charge, including a complimentary edit of a document of your choice (up to 2 pages or 500 words) so you have a better idea of my editing style and the kind of assistance I can provide.
Funding stories are some of the most important stories a business can tell. I'm happy to tell you about my highly successful track record writing grant applications, and discuss how we can put those skills to use for you.